Databases, Web Tools and Software Developed by BI Group
Implementation of algorithms, extraction of knowledge from data, creation of databases, development of web tools and software, etc. are the key domains of bioinformatics research in the Department of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics. The following tools were developed by the department. Most of these web resources were published in reputed international journals. B. Tech. Bioinformatics students also contributed significantly for developing some of these resources.
- ABCD : Alzheimer’s Disease Biomarkers Comprehensive Database. Kumar A, Bansal A and Singh TR.
- ILD-DB: An Integrated Resource for Interstitial Lung Diseases ILDs. Mishra S, Shah MI, Sarkar M, Sharma S, Chaudary N, Shaikh M, Rout C
- AlzID: Alzheimer Disease (AD) Inhibitors Database. Rana P, Gupta A, Singh R, Rout C
- ADDGAP: Alzheimer’s Disease Database for Genetic Association Studies and Phosphorylation States. Panigrahi P, Sehgal M, and Singh TR.
- ILDgenDB (Interstitial Lung Disease Genetic Database) Resource. Mishra S, Shah MI, Sarkar M, Asati N, Rout C
- Ziehl–Neelsen Sputum smear Microscopy image DataBase (ZNSM-iDB). Shah MI, Mishra S, Yadav VK, Chauhan A, Sarkar M, Sharma SK, Rout C
- DREMECELS: A Curated Database for Base Excision and Mismatch Repair Mechanisms Associated Human Malignancies. Shukla A, Moussa A, and Singh TR
Note: These resources are available only for academic research. Commercial users are advised to take approval from the university prior to their use. Ethical approval was taken wherever it was necessary.